Saturday, May 26, 2012

Slowly but surely

I have stalled in my attempts to get my office organized before the end of the school year.  I've painted, bought a new desk and have a few storage spaces set up. 

But it's still a mess.

I did give my hubby's high school file cabinet a quick makeover so I could start getting my paper organized.

We went from being homely and lonely:

To this sweet looking thing (after a few coats of my favorite Apple Green spray paint!)

Right now I need to start organing all my organizing containers (sounds ironic!) so I can put things back where they belong. 

I did repaint my breakfast buffet (using a DIY chalk paint) so I can have a place to put my sewing machine and Cricut (which I'm hoping to use to cut vinyl instead of scrapbooking....which I just haven't been into lately).  I need to take some after pictures and load those up.  And I stained a bunch of crates from joanns to make my own rustic looking shelves (need to find the pictures on my camera!).  So things are coming along!

I want to recover my mouse & wrist pad and my office chair.  We'll see how that goes!! 

I am getting there, slowly but surely! :)

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